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Voter Registration:

North Dakota is the only state that does not require voter registration

Early Voting + Election Day:

What kinds of ID are accepted?
Driver's license. Nondriver’s identification card. Tribal government issued identification (including those issued by BIA for a tribe located in North Dakota, any other tribal agency or entity, or any other document that sets forth the tribal member’s name, date of birth, and current North Dakota residential address). Long term care identification certificate (provided by North Dakota facility).

When did early voting start?
Sep. 29, 2022

When does early voting end?
Nov. 7, 2022

Where can I find early voting locations?

Where can I learn more about early voting?

What are the poll times on Election Day?
Open: 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.; Close: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Where can I find voting locations?

Absentee Ballot:

What is the deadline for requesting a ballot by mail?
Nov. 7, 2022

Is the request deadline a postmark or receipt deadline?

What is the deadline for returning a voted ballot by mail?
Nov. 7, 2022

Is the return deadline a postmark or receipt deadline?